Tuesday 13 November 2007

suddenly more focussed, hooray!

I've been bouncing around with poker recently without really feeling like I've been hitting my stride. I've hit some good streaks to just about make up for some of my less than stellar play and so i've danced back and forth around the break-even point without ever looking like actually making significant profit. I've actually cashed-out some pretty nice totals, but always it's come after first losing a buy-in or two, making the actual day's profit something less impressive.

Anyway, this week things have clicked back into place - I'm finding it much easier to tighten my game up, rather than just saying I'm gonna tighten up and then still playing marginal hands and chasing speculative draws. I'm thinking a lot more too, trying to put people on likely hands and picking up on particular players' styles and using that to my advantage to judge what size bet they'll call, when to bluff or when to just check it down.

I've ended tonight after a couple of hours just over one buy-in up ($4.88). It's a nice win because it was done wihtout any of the horrible swings I've had recently where I've dropped to a very short stack or even lost a buy-in before hitting that big win to bring me back into profit. It's made me think; If I can keep control of my game like tonight, then when those big pots do come then firstly, it will add up to a lot more profit overall, and secondly, I'll have more cash to throw into the pot when I've got the nuts and therefore potentially win an even bigger pot!

So, fingers crossed I can keep this play up and start having some more consistently profitable sessions.

P.S. I won some money in a freeroll for first time, woo! Party is running Surprise tournaments at the moment and I battled my way through a 4,500 player freeroll to win ... $0.02. I placed 428, and had a decent stack so I could have gone further and maybe even got into to $0.07 band, but it was getting to bed time. Still, I can now say I am a winning player at tournaments!

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