Thursday 31 January 2008

circumstances conspire...

I had big plans for last weekend, it was going to be a bit of a poker orgy. I had an invite to the quarterly Queen-level $5k freeroll which I was going to have a go at, and I also had plans to put those unused party points, which let's face it, at my stakes I'm never going accumulate to a high enough level to convert to cash before they expire, into buying into a couple of sit'n'gos and seeing how I got on.
Friday night I had a reasonably short session, again getting a fairly unexciting run of junk cards, but managing to build back up from $1.20 to almost break-even and then turning a set with pocket 9s against a muppet foolishly slowplaying his AK to cashout with a $2.50ish profit. So, pretty happy with how I played and it's good warm-up for the weekend's binge...

...except then I had to work Saturday afternoon, which dragged on to working Saturday through to 3am, and then to also working Sunday until 8pm...

So, a bit of a let-down really. I'm mostly annoyed for missing the freeroll, because it's only once every three months. Probably longer than that until I can take part - with restrictions on my play time at the moment I think I'll miss minimum points expenditure and be dropping back down to Jack and so miss next quarter.

Probably no time for any poker this weekend, but on the plus side we should hopefully, in the next day or two, be getting internet properly installed in the place I'm currently living. That should mean more sessions and more frequent posts. So, to my reader (I think I'd been flattering myself to pluralise), watch this space...

Monday 21 January 2008

after a long absence

It's been a long, long time since my last post. Mainly this is due to personal reasons that I won’t go into, since those who read this and know me will already know them, and anyone stumbling on this blog who doesn’t know me won’t care.

Anyway, after a reasonable, focussed run that put me into the mid-$60s bankroll-wise I went on a horrendous run where I wasn’t paying much attention or playing for any of the right reasons and duly dropped into just below $30! Realising that I wasn’t in any correct frame of mind, I’d deliberately avoided playing again… until now.

I played two sessions on Saturday and Sunday respectively which could not have been more different in the run of cards I had, and profited on both. Saturday I got hit by the deck, getting a good run of pocket pairs, making boats from marginal BB hands, and getting my money in and getting paid off on the premium hands. I ended up cashing out with $9 from a $3 buy-in.
It could have been much more, but sadly I got sucked out on a 3-way $13 pot. Fortunately the fish who called a large preflop bet with KTs then thought that a pair of Kings on an Ace-high flop with inside straight draw (other player had AK so fish was drawing dead to anything else) was worth going all-in with had the smallest stack of the three of us, so I still made a teeny profit when the Q hit and wrecked my set.

I have player notes on this player now - they simply say, 'Kick this guy in the throat'.
In fairness though, by the time I’d left he’d given me most of that money back.

Sunday’s session was the polar opposite. The highest pocket pair I was dealt during the whole game was Nines, and the best non-paired hand breakdown was as follows:
AQh once – on BB, all folded ahead of me acting.
AKo once – on Button, all folder ahead of me. Blinds fold to my 3xBB raise.
AQs once – mid-position, early raise of 4xBB. Raiser folds to my min-reraise.

Other than that, it was low pocket pairs and other fairly marginal hands all the way. I ended with a $2 profit, but I felt more proud of my performance on Sunday than Saturday. Without big hands, I found two things.

1) Playing fewer hands, I decided to watch hands I wasn’t involved with and attempt to put people on possible cards based on their betting. I found I’m a lot better at this than I used to be. Still though when I’m in the hand I sometimes second-guess or disregard my initial correct read and get punished for it!
2) Just playing position and having a good read on your opponents and what they might have and what they might be afraid of, you can still pick up some decent sized pots with nothing or very little.

Looking through my hand history, I only took part in a handful of showdowns, and won two. The best hand I ever made in the session was top two-pair and my biggest pot win was with pocket-8s on a 7-high flop/turn (taking a nice chunk from a guy with K7 who judged himself owner of top kicker). The rest of my wins were all through carefully considered betting.

So, a pretty positive session to get me back into the game.

Week's Profit: $7.90
Current Bankroll: $39.25